Friday, April 30, 2010

Angora Buzz - Nu Digiviews

Angora Buzz - Nu Digiviews

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Print Media on Last Page?

Newspapers used to be the major source for news. However, newspapers and almost all other print related media are struggling to survive. The Jurassic media moguls are trying to survive with anachronistic tools (think Neanderthals versus Homo Sapiens). There are hundreds of news sources today that didn't exist a decade ago (think RSS versus clay tablets). News can be transmitted almost immediately which satisfies Mr. and Ms Instant Gratification.
Think back to the last presidential election. While television, magazines, newspapers, and radio informed us of the latest polls and statistics, the Obama camp tekkies were plumbing the depths and heights of the ethernet to communicate their message of change. The savvy use of the Internet and its video/audio links helped Obama reach the 20 to 40 year-old age group with a message of hope. Think of the almsot instantaneous networking when people use their cell phones to rally like-minded comrades to participate in some event and...voile people show up in droves.
Now more than ever a new age and unique approach to education seems to be looming on the horizon. Teens and tweens are consumers of the new media...they text, take photos and beam them to other friends on their cell phones, socialize with hundreds of people scattered over the globe via Facebook of Myspace or some other social network.
Educators are rethinking education in light of the ubiqitous new media outlets. Perhaps there are new approaches to educating our citizens beyond the four walls of a school building. Is it possible that a new revolution is at hand, one that will not be destructive but constructive?
Check in periodically when I'll be blogging about the new media and how it may impact our society and esecially in the area of education.